Chrissy Dougan | Postpartum Doula | Erie PA

I did a life-changing thing this week.

I attended a professional training in order to become a postpartum doula. 

Postpartum doulas do whatever the mother needs to best care for and enjoy her new baby. They share information about baby care and are a source of emotional support and companionship. New moms often have a difficult time adjusting to the stresses of a newborn. She may feel isolated due to the constant feedings and sleepless nights.  A postpartum doula helps the mom navigate these new challenges and instills confidence in the mother as she makes the parenting decisions of her choice. Postpartum doulas are also happy to help with light housework and meal preparation.

Chrissy Dougan, Postpartum Doula

Until recently, I had no intention of becoming a doula. I did however, have a strong desire to become a Childbirth Educator. It wasn’t until I started that process that I began to understand the value of a having a postpartum doula. The postpartum period is a critical time that is often overlooked. After the baby is born, the nurturing shifts more towards the baby than the mother, which can leave the new mom feeling alone. When I heard about ProDoula’s Certified Childbirth Educator program, I dove right in. I found that I was so passionate about the material that I was flying through it. After I finished, my mind was bubbling over with so many interesting facts about birth, infant feeding, bonding with the baby, and postpartum expectations. I knew my community did not have options for postpartum doulas and I was eager to change that.

Support that is truly judgement-free is invaluable and rare. As a new mom, it can seem as if everyone is offering up their idea of the “best way” to do things. Northwest PA Doulas does things a bit differently. We strive to instill confidence in families as they make the parenting decisions that feel authentic to them. We take care of all the extra “stuff” so that the whole family can focus on bonding with the new baby and have a smoother adjustment period. 

So now here I am-- Chrissy Dougan, Certified Childbirth Educator and Postpartum Doula, equipped to begin supporting families in Northwest PA during the highs and lows of postpartum recovery and adjustment.